Red Cat Adventures is proud to be one of 17 operators that secured a funding opportunity as part of the Australian Governments $3.2 million Tourism Industry Activation and Reef Protection Initiative (TIARPI)
This funding allowed us to repurpose our vessels and crew to undertake site stewardship projects as well as education of our passengers.
Red Cat Reefsearch undertook:
152 hours in the field completing 219 Reef Health and Impact Surveys (RHIS) at 21 current and potential tourism sites, and uploading data collected to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s Eye on the Reef system.
Reef intervention and conservation activities including crown-of-thorns starfish and drupella snail control.
Capturing of real-time imagery of the Reef and operational activities to be used in developing education and communication materials that educate people about the beauty of the Reef and the need for its protection. This will also be used to support domestic and international tourism campaigns in post-COVID-19 recovery
How tourism is helping conserve the Reef during COVID-19 | Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority WATCH HERE >>


Black Island

Hayman Island

Hook Island

Border Island